
What I Do


Strategic Advisory Partner

At some point along its journey, every business is bound to encounter challenging times. Sudden shifts in market conditions or demand, fluctuations in financing availability, the loss of key clients, disruptive technological advancements, and various other factors can swiftly influence an organization's future. Signs of trouble, such as declining profitability, constrained liquidity, unattainable credit, debts surpassing asset valuations, become evident, signaling a company's need for assistance. These challenges can even put significant pressure on the decision-making capabilities of the most resilient leaders.

Myers Advisory & Consulting's Turnaround and Restructuring Services experts possess extensive experience in partnering with underperforming businesses and distressed organizations. We move swiftly to assess the situation, providing you with meaningful clarity. We design and implement operational and financial strategies aimed at stabilizing your situation and collaborate with you to create ongoing plans that not only enhance performance but also deliver lasting value.

Expert CFO and Controller Services

Provide comprehensive Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Controller services encompassing a wide array of financial management and strategic responsibilities. This involves overseeing financial operations, implementing robust accounting practices, conducting financial analysis, managing budgeting and forecasting processes, ensuring regulatory compliance, optimizing cash flow management, and advising on strategic financial decisions. The role includes a deep engagement with the organization's financial landscape, offering expert guidance and strategic direction to enhance fiscal efficiency and support long-term growth objectives.


Financial Audit Preperation

Comprehensive financial audit preparation involves meticulous examination and organization of financial records and transactions to ensure adherence to accounting standards, regulatory requirements, and internal policies. This process encompasses the thorough review of financial statements, supporting documents, and accounting procedures. It also includes the identification and resolution of potential discrepancies or irregularities, as well as collaboration with internal stakeholders to gather necessary information. The goal is to meticulously prepare the organization for external audits, ensuring transparency, accuracy, and compliance with all applicable financial regulations and industry best practices.

Accounting Software Implementation

Accounting software set up and implementation is a strategic process involving careful analysis of organizational needs, software selection, and meticulous configuration. It begins with a detailed assessment of requirements, followed by selecting software based on scalability and functionality. The chosen software is then configured to align with the company's chart of accounts and reporting standards. Integration with existing systems ensures seamless data flow, reducing manual errors.

Employee training is crucial to ensure effective software usage, supported by ongoing troubleshooting mechanisms. Security measures, such as access controls and data encryption, are established to safeguard financial data. Regular monitoring optimizes software functionality, enhancing operational efficiency and enabling data-driven financial decisions.

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